Girls Baseball

PRESS RELEASE - March 2024

Announcing first ever BC Girls Baseball League coming to Surrey Canadian Baseball Association's Lionel Courchene Park this June, July, & August. For more info, click here  

CLICK HERE for Surrey Now Leader STORY (Posted April 16, 2024)

CLICK HERE for Canadian Baseball Network STORY (Posted April 6, 2024)

By having girls playing together & against each other at different ages, can we evolve & grow our sport and our community organizations...?

Everyone at Baseball BC, the BC Girls Baseball League coming this Summer, and our Provincial Level member organizations at BC Minor, BC Babe Ruth, BC Little League, and the BC Premier Baseball League, all believe we can!!!

Please watch this promotional video (and be sure to click “unmute”).

We are building the pathway, so all can play…!

If you’re already interested and want to play baseball this Spring/Summer, or someone you know does, reach out to your local baseball association soon, as registration usually runs through Winter months into Spring… Find a Local Associations Near You

Looking for more information, have any questions, or want to share thoughts…? If so, please reach out to Scott MacKenzie by phone or email.

BC Girl's Baseball – You Can Play Too !


Our Mission is:

Delivering baseball programming specific to girls in a fun, positive and safe environment

Our Values are:

  • Sense of Belonging
  • Acceptance
  • Friendships
  • Increasing Self-Esteem
  • Building Confidence
  • Fun Atmosphere

Click Here to See Program Chart

Watch Global News Video - Making the pitch for girls-only baseball in Vancouver

Watch how being more Inclusive can Advance Girls and Women in Sport here

High-Performance Athlete, CLICK HERE

Programming - 2024 Details Coming Soon


  • BC Girls Baseball League - For more info, click here  
    • June/July/August at Surrey Canadians Baseball Association
    • Two divisions - Ace 7-9yrs & Barb 10-12yrs
    • 1-day a week (Saturdays) for 8 weeks of FUN 
    • Email Scott Mackenzie at if interested
      • League Coordinator Liz Gilder at
  • Amanda Asay Jamboree & Festival
    • Age Divisions: Ace 7-9yrs & Barb 10-12yrs (May 11th in Burnaby)
    • Email Scott Mackenzie at if interested
  • Development Series – Click Here
  • Instructional Leagues - Click Here
  • Fun Festival Days of Baseball
  • Summer Camps – Click Here


Baseball BC invites you to learn how you can advance gender equity in your baseball community!

Watch how being more Inclusive can Advance Girls and Women in Sport here

Click Here to Learn How Associations can Engage more Girls & Women in Baseball

(Gender-Focused Practice Plans below...)

Looking to Start a Girl's Baseball Program in your local Association?

Baseball BC’s Girl's & Women Program is working with local associations to start up Girl’s Only programming within local communities. We offer the same opportunities & incentives to any Local Baseball Association in BC that might be interested.  Girl’s & women's Day FUN Festivals, Girl’s focussed Jamboree's, & High-Performance Identification Sessions are only some of the events offered.

We have information & guidelines on how you can develop female focussed programming, such as help with recruiting and retaining girls & women in your association. Tools like manuals, presentations, & full seasonal practice plans will help you build a more equitable & inclusive association.   

To learn more about our programming, have inquiries about additional services or incentives to assist your association in becoming more inclusive on growing Girl's Baseball, contact Baseball BC Director of Programming, Scott MacKenzie at


Click Here to Learn How Associations can Engage more Girls & Women in Baseball

Click Here to see Practice Plans just for Girl's

Watch how being more Inclusive can Advance Girls and Women in Sport here

CLICK HERE for Surrey Now Leader STORY (Posted April 16, 2024)

CLICK HERE for Canadian Baseball Network STORY (Posted April 6, 2024)


Associations Offering Baseball Inclusive for Girls

  1. Burnaby Minor Baseball
  2. Chilliwack Minor Baseball
  3. Duncan Junior Baseball
  4. Hastings Community Little League
  5. Highlands Little League
  6. Jericho Little League
  7. Kamloops & District Minor Baseball
  8. Kerrisdale Little League
  9. Langley Little League
  10. Layritz Little League
  11. Little Mountain Litle League
  12. Nanaimo Minor Baseball
  13. North Langley Baseball
  14. North Shore Baseball
  15. Salmon Arm Minor Baseball
  16. Salt Spring Minor Baseball
  17. South Burnaby Minor Baseball
  18. Surrey Canadian Baseball
  19. Revelstoke Minor Ball
  20. Vancouver Community Baseball
  21. West Kelowna Minor Baseball
  22. Whalley Little League
  23. West Vancouver Little League

If your association is offering all-girls baseball or have an all-girl team(s) and it is not on this list, please contact to be added.

If interested in learning more about girl's & women in baseball, call Scott MacKenzie at 604-586-3315 to discuss.

Interested in Female High Performance - Click Here

Advisory Council

Girls' Media Coverage




Information & updates can always be found here on the Baseball BC web site and you can follow us on Instagram, Facebook & Twitter @BCGirlsBaseball            bcgirlsbaseball            

Baseball BC on Twitter


Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD)

What is LTAD?

Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) is a systemic approach developed and adopted by Baseball Canada to maximize a participant's potential and involvement in our sport. The LTAD framework aims to define optimal training, competition and recovery throughout an athlete's career. Enabling everyone to reach their full potential in the game of baseball and as an athlete. 


MLB British Columbians

Tyler O Neil

Current MLB Team: Boston Red Sox
Hometown: Maple Ridge



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