Baseball BC 50/50 Program 2024

The Baseball B.C, in conjunction with the Vancouver Canadians, bring you the 2024 50/50 raffle.

Baseball BC (the B.C. Amateur Baseball Association) is the Provincial Sport Organization for amateur baseball in the province.  The organization’s mandate includes the provision of coach, athlete, and volunteer development programs designed to improve the quality of the provincial delivery system in the sport of Baseball.

All proceeds from the 50/50 draw will go towards supporting amateur baseball in the Province of British Columbia through programs that include Coach Training, Spring, Summer, and Winter Camps, Provincial Teams, Rally Cap, Championships, Girls Baseball, and Challenger Baseball.

           Ticket Prices;

            3 for $5, - 10 for $10, - 60 for $20, - 200 for $50

  • Draw will be completed by the end of the 6th Inning.
  • Original ticket required to claim prize.  You do not have to be present to win.
  • Minors not eligible to participate.
  • There are no re-draws this year as prizes can be claimed for up to 15 days.
  • Should the game be stopped due to weather or deemed incomplete for any reason, the draw will carry over to the next Home game.  All tickets sold will be included in the next home games draw.

Winning Ticket numbers and prize claiming details are listed at

Inquires can be made through the Baseball BC Office and CEO David Laing at . 

Know your limit, play within it! BC Gaming License #140949

Here's your winners..!                                             

Date Ticket #  Prize   Winner       Claimed
April 9 AC-1023023 $1915.00 Jennifer O. Yes
April 10  B-1001048  $480.00 Alexander B. Yes
April 11 RAINOUT n/a n/a n/a
April 12 C-1011165 $1897.50 Michael N. Yes
April 13 D-1034773 $3210.00 Gordon C  Yes 
April 14 E-1022985 $2277.50 Johnny P. Yes
April 23 F-1000836 $635.00 Marcella P. Yes
April 24 G-1010701 $455.00 Michael K. Yes 
April 25 RAINOUT n/a n/a n/a
April 26 RAINOUT n/a n/a n/a
April 27 RAINOUT n/a n/a n/a
April 28 RAINOUT  n/a n/a n/a
May 7  H-1013448 $1065.00 Grace S  Yes 
May 8  I-1010827 $837.50 Krista J  Yes
May 9  J-1003051 $1657.50 Nikolai J  Yes
May 10  K-1006686 $3280.00 Norman B  Yes
May 11 L-1006124 $3507.50 Kelly L. Yes
May 12 M-1021515 $4552.50 - NO
May 29 N-1010609 $1510.00 Francis G  Yes
May 30 O-1003465 $2290.00 Shirley D-K Yes
May 31 P-1006675 $3320.00 Raymond P Yes
June 1  Q-1021268 $3302.50 Dylan C. Yes
June 2 RAINOUT n/a n/a n/a
June 11 R-1000356 $1805.00 Anna B. Yes
June 12 S-1001877 $1785.00 - NO
June 13 T-1012285 $1702.50 Shaylen W.  Yes
June 14 U-1015724 $3597.50 Not Claimed NO
June 15 V-1012089 $3755.00 Tyler K. Yes
June 16 W-1006865 $3692.50 Natasha N. Yes
June 25  X-1001532 $1725.00 John Y Yes
June 26 Y-1001532 $2127.50 Rylee K. Yes
June 27  Z- 1016783$ $3317.50 Richard S  Yes 
June 28 AA-1002114 $3140.00 Jordan Y. Yes
June 29 BB-1007653 $4810.00 Andrew S.  Yes
June 30  CC-1025713 $5017.50 Paul K.  Yes
July 1 DD- 1024273 $6005.00 Tara M. Yes
July 2  EE-1000683 $1760.00 - NO
July 3  FF-1003132 $2290.00 Edward S. Yes
July 19  EE-1012842 $3402.50 Rebecca M.  Yes
July 20  GG-1030897 $5820.00 Vanessa O. yes 
July 21  HH-1005633 $3540.00 - NO
July 30 II-1000181 $2570.00 MIchaek F.  Yes
July 31 JJ-1007033  $2002.50 Miceal T. Yes
Aug 1 KK-1007544 $ 3,555.00  - NO
Aug 2 LL-1008639 $3547.00 Carla  B.


Aug 3 MM-1011866 $ 2,845.00  David R. Yes
Aug 4  NN-1007985 $ 3,310.00  Lyn W.


Aug 6 OO-1002461 $1885.00 Gordon K. Yes
Aug 7  PP-1007324 $2190.00 Ashley J. Yes
Aug 8  QQ-1020905 $4127.50 John D. Yes
Aug 9  RR-1011192 $3527.50 Brandon G. Yes
Aug 10  SS-1002120 $4410.00 -


Aug 11  TT-1008579 $4120.00 Not Claimed  No 
Aug 20  UU-1009573 $2322.50  Jennifer T  Yes
Aug 21 TT-1005519 $1630.30 Anna R. Yes
Aug 22 VV-1003516 $4047.50 - NO
Aug 23  WW-1001415 $2170.00 Rochelle L. Yes
Aug 24 XX-1009696 $3667.50 - NO
Aug 25  YY-1014505 $3852.50 Jason M. Yes
Sept 3 ZZ- 1001121 $2232.50 Rebecca L. Yes
Sept 4  AB-1006234 $1772.50 Leanna W. Yes
Sept 5 SJ-1012138 $30,447.50 James G. Yes
Sept 6  SK1013423 $2780.00 Shad S  Yes
Sept 7 SL-1022114 $5530.00 Jillian R


Sept 8   SM-1009882  $3882.50 Sheila K   Yes
Sept 10 SN-1000341    $11702.50 Michael Y Yes
Sept 11 SO-1011755 $3462.50 Abisher Y Yes






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Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD)

What is LTAD?

Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) is a systemic approach developed and adopted by Baseball Canada to maximize a participant's potential and involvement in our sport. The LTAD framework aims to define optimal training, competition and recovery throughout an athlete's career. Enabling everyone to reach their full potential in the game of baseball and as an athlete. 


MLB British Columbians

James Paxton

Current MLB Team: Los Angeles Dodgers
Hometown: Richmond, BC



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