Clinic Schedules

Book a clinic
for your Association

Asked Questions

NCCP Transition document Information on pricing,
clinic structure, for Associations

Policy on Renewal of Certification


NCCP Clinics will be offered again in February through the Spring & Summer months - REGISTER HERE (must be registered & signed into NCCP Status page)


I am a new BASEBALL COACH not yet registered with Baseball NCCP, what do I do...? Or,

I am already registered at, and what's my current NCCP Baseball Training Status...?       

Click Here to find step-by-step how to get started...


I'm a LOCAL ASSOCIATION wanting to find our coaches level of NCCP training or certification...  You can do that with the coach's NCCP# & last name here CAC - The Locker - Public Transcript - See just below for what clinics & training is required at each age level...

CLICK HERE for the BC Minor Baseball Assoc. NCCP Requirements for ALL Coaches 

So, what NCCP Training or Certification do I need to coach at Baseball BC, Western Canadian, or Baseball Canada Championships/Events...?  (Enter Baseball Canada's NCCP system, or continue your training, at the age level you are coaching currently. One coach is required to be Certified & others Trained at the age level currently coaching.) See below...

You are a...

Fundamentals & Ongoing Participation Coach - when the 2 Online Initiation Modules (Coach Initiation in Sport and Coach Initiation in Baseball Fundamentals), and Initiation Coach Clinic are completed.

11U Coach Trainedwhen the 2 Online Initiation Modules (Coach Initiation in Sport and Coach Initiation in Baseball Fundamentals), Initiation Coach Clinic, Absolutes Clinic, My First Pitch online module, and the 11U Video Package are completed.

13U Coach Trainedwhen the 2 Online Initiation Modules, Absolutes Clinic, Teaching & Learning Clinic, Planning Clinic, Pitching and Catching Clinic, and 13U Video Package are completed.

13U Coach Certifiedonce you are 13U Trained and the online Core Portfolio Evaluation, 13U Portfolio Tasks, you have been Evaluated during a Practice Session as acting Head Coach, and the Making Ethical Decision Online Evaluation, & the Safe Sport eLearning module are completed.

15U or 16+ Coach Trained - when the 2 Online Initiation Modules, Absolutes Clinic, Teaching & Learning Clinic, Planning Clinic, Pitching and Catching Clinic, Strategies Clinic, Skills Clinic and 15U or 16+ Video Package are completed.

15U or 16+ Coach Certifiedonce you are 15U or 16+ Trained and the online Core Portfolio Evaluation, 15U or 16+ Portfolio Tasks, you have been evaluated during a Practice Session and a Game as Head Coach, and the Making Ethical Decision Online Evaluation, & the Safe Sport eLearning module are completed.

Note: Check with your Local Baseball Association & Provincial Association (BC Minor, Little League BC, Babe Ruth) for coach requirements direct to you.


Coach Training Requirements (NCCP)

Baseball Canada Championships

Western Canada Championships

BC Minor League Play (Rule 11.02)


What clinics do I need? Tell us your Coaching Goals here

Course Listings & Clinics schedule

More about the NCCP

Thinking of Coaching...? Click Here & Watch this short video called

"Why We Coach...!!!"


Mental Health and Sport Resource and Event Hub - Coaching Association of Canada


Making Ethical Decisions - Required for Certification

Safe Sport Training eModule


Pacific Sport is happy to arrange courses for your coaches. If you have at least 6 that need to take a certain multi-sport module, they can take care of the logistics behind setting that up for you. You can email Larisa at if you are interested in planning any courses this way. You can also fill out our NCCP Course Offerings form here:


For Certified Coaches ONLY

Baseball Canada NCCP coaches that are Certified in the Competition Introduction Context (13U, 15U & 16+ coaches) have five years to accumulate 20 professional development (pd) points to renew certification. Competition Development coaches require 30 points in the 5-year cycle.

All Certified Coaches as Dec. 31, 2020 transfer into the current system Jan. 1, 2021 as Certified Non- Renewed and begin this new era with zero points.  These coaches have until Dec. 31, 2026 to complete those 20 PD points becoming Certified Renewed again. 

Newly Certified Coaches will begin their 5 year Professional Development cycle from the date of “Certification”.

If your Baseball Canada/NCCP "Certification" is showing it will expire due to not have enough PD points to maintain your certification (Certified renewed status), we suggest that you update your status page with outstanding PD opportunities and/or complete one or more of the FREE online modules that Baseball Canada has recently developed.  We suggest that you log in to the Baseball Canada coach management system ( for an up-to-date record of your PD points. This can be seen on your ‘status’ page within a box tracking your PD points.  At the bottom of this box, it shows the total points needed, in most cases 20. 

For options to accumulate PD points fast there are a few new baseball opportunities available for you. These online eLearning modules are worth 5 PD points each, and you can register for them by going to your status page at  Here are some:

  1. Coach Initiation in Sport
  2. Coach Initiation in Baseball (Fundamentals)
  3. My First Pitch
  4. Safe Sport

Also, there are several free online resources at  For example, you can get 5 pts per module:

  • Making Ethical Decisions
  • NCCP Emergency Action Plan
  • Making Head Way

Longer term, there are many options to collect PD pts, such as, active coaching (1pt per yr.), self-learning like seminars & conventions (3 pts), any NCCP clinics (5 pts), etc. 

  1. NCCP Clinics for 5 Points, some examples are:
    1. Provincial clinics, such as Pitching & Catching or Strategies
    2. Competition Development clinics, such as Leading Drug-Free Sport, Managing Conflict, Sport Nutrition, etc.
  2. Conventions or seminars for 3 Points, some non NCCP examples could be:
    1. BC Minor Coach Conference (February/March)
    2. Baseball Ontario’s “Best Ever Coaches Clinic” (January)
    3. ABCA (January)
    4. Northwest Baseball Coaches Conference (January)


WHAT HAPPENS TO MY NCCP CERTIFICATION IF I DO NOT COMPLETE THE REQUIRED PD IN THE TIME ALLOWED?  Your transcript would show that your “Certified” status has not been renewed (Certified Non-Renewed).  To return to a “Certified Renewed” status, coaches must complete required points…

We thank you for your continued involvement in coaching baseball and serving our athletes across Canada. If you require more information, please contact Baseball Canada at


The National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) begins here!

We are a Provincial Sport Organization that believes in the power of enriching our members lives through our services, and we are acutely aware that our ability to connect has been impacted. 
Baseball BC has been working hard at adapting programming to service members, and Coach Training is no exception. Wanting to meet needs of associations & coaches, we have found ways to offer the same NCCP training. Rather than in person clinics at this time, the same training will be facilitated ONLINE. We have trained BC Coach Developers to facilitate training on-line. We are confident that coaches will gain the same knowledge & training as in person, & of course, the same credit will be granted.

Training takes place on your home computer or laptop using Zoom online live classroom settings. There will be up to 20 coaches per four-hour sessions where group discussion is encouraged. Online clinics hosted by Baseball BC are open to all coaches throughout British Columbia and cost $50 to $60 per clinic. It is as simple as that. Final instructions will be sent to registered coaches leading up to the online event. 

Register for Clinics in British Columbia by Logging-in here:  

Realizing on-line delivery & electronic interaction may not be for everyone, Baseball BC will offer in person clinics again when it is clear & safe to do so…

For more information or if NCCP is for you, please continue reading…

Coaches are mentors, motivators, and leaders.  Along with parents and teachers, coaches have a profound impact on the future of our children. It is a great responsibility, and Canada’s two million coaches embrace it with passion and dedication.

The National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) is part of a national sports system that is built on solid research and sound principles relating to athlete development across different sports, yet it is tailored to the specific needs of baseball. This coach program is recognized nationally & and around the world; in fact, Baseball Canada was just honored with The Sheila Robertson Award for demonstrating a consistent approach in valuing and recognizing the role of the coach within baseball, the media, and the public. Baseball’s NCCP gives coaches the confidence to succeed and is the only coach program for baseball recognized in Canada. When you take an NCCP workshop, you will not only gain sport-specific technical abilities, but also leadership and decision-making skills.

NCCP training will open doors to new opportunities in coaching and in life.  It is quite simply the gold standard of excellence in coaching development.

The Coach Initiation in Sport & Initiation in Baseball (Fundamentals) online modules are a first step on your coaching pathway in the NCCP.  These online initiation modules are the perfect way to set up an association for success, especially for the new coach or parent interested in getting involved in coaching.

These modules are designed as an important introduction to the key coaching concepts and educational tools that are the foundation of the NCCP. Coaches will learn the fundamentals of coaching and baseball as it explores topics including long-term athlete development, ethics, coaching motivation, and athlete safety and wellness.  Initiation Coach in Baseball has specific sections to further educate coaches in skill development of young baseball athletes including throwing and receiving, base-running, game strategies, and hitting. The module remains an excellent informational resource for coaches which they can revisit at any time after successful completion of the module.  Also, a multitude of resources become unlocked making their coaching experience even more positive.

“We are pleased to launch an enhanced version of the online initiation module for baseball coaches, in collaboration with the Coaching Association of Canada,” said André Lachance, Business and Sport Development Director with Baseball Canada. “This new version will promote learning through greater interaction, making the experience even more positive. This module will prepare coaches for the various clinics offered by Baseball Canada within the NCCP and will offer them a multitude of resources to make their coaching experience even more positive.”

“The Coaching Association of Canada and Baseball Canada are proud to present this updated version of the Coach Initiation in Baseball learning module as an excellent resource and introduction to the NCCP for the next generation of baseball coaches,” said Lorraine Lafrenière, Chief Executive Officer of the CAC. “We look forward to sharing the multi-sport component of the training module later this year as a beneficial first step for new coaches or parents interested in getting involved in coaching, whichever the sport they’re involved in.”

Coach Training at Baseball Canada and Baseball BC is age appropriate and designed to meet those player/coach needs.  The Coach Development Model has three main stages or streams.  They are the Community Sport Stream intended for the Rally Cap Coach / Initiation Coach, Fundamentals & Ongoing Participation, and 11U coaches, the Competition Introduction Stream is intended for 13U, 15U, and 16+ coaches, and the Development Coach Stream is intended for the advanced national tracked coach.  The main streams contain some or all seven National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) clinics. The clinics are Initiation Coach, Absolutes Teaching & Learning, Planning, Pitching & Catching, Skills, and Strategies. Additionally, there are video packages, eLearning modules, online portfolios and evaluations which earn coaches Trained Status and Certified Status at achieved levels. Baseball Canada and Baseball BC enforce NCCP Training & Certification at Championships; in fact, coaches are not permitted on field at Baseball Canada Events without meeting these requirements…  So, when your time comes, players need you coaching & leading them to an experience they will never forget.

Coaches impact youth athletes for lifetimes and Baseball BC can help begin a successful journey.  Information on The National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) is critical for coaches; even for such things as how to register, clinic pathways, etc., find everything here.

Lastly, do not ever hesitate to call us for more NCCP information or any other baseball matter as we continue serve all youth baseball in British Columbia.

Access this fundamental resource, which will take approximately 2 hours or less to complete, for only $37.45 on Baseball Canada’s website by clicking here & then clicking the “REGISTER NOW” button.


Additional workshop information as well as sport nutrition tips, coaching resources and more are available on



Baseball Canada unveils coaching video series and online platform.

OTTAWA- Baseball Canada is pleased to announce a new instructional video series available to all members of our National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP). The instructional videos are accompanied by a new video blog (Vlog) series available on our brand-new platform,

Featuring former big leaguer Joe Siddall along with former National Team player Marc Griffin, the instructional videos cover all aspects of the game of baseball including fielding ground balls, throwing mechanics, hitting load, leads and proper sliding techniques. Topics such as choosing the right size bat, proper tee height and Rally Cap evaluation are just some of the many items discussed in the vlog series.

“We are very excited to launch this video series and host it on a brand-new platform,” said Baseball Canada’s Director of Sport Development, André Lachance. “Joe and Marc do a tremendous job as instructors to provide coaches with the information and knowledge that will benefit them and ultimately the athletes they coach. The vlogs act as an additional resource for coaches on topics where information might be harder to come by.”

All of the videos are available to our NCCP members at

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Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD)

What is LTAD?

Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) is a systemic approach developed and adopted by Baseball Canada to maximize a participant's potential and involvement in our sport. The LTAD framework aims to define optimal training, competition and recovery throughout an athlete's career. Enabling everyone to reach their full potential in the game of baseball and as an athlete. 


MLB British Columbians

James Paxton

Current MLB Team: Los Angeles Dodgers
Hometown: Richmond, BC



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