Baseball BC and the Ministry of Education are pleased to offer the following External Credentials for High Performance Athletes, Officials (Umpires) and Coaches. These “External Course Credits” are applicable to graduation requirements in the Province of British Columbia and will allow athletes, umpires and coaches to earn graduation credits away from the traditional classroom setting.
The following information has been reprinted with permission of the Ministry of Education.
External Sport Courses Information
Students can obtain External Course credit for Sports in the following categories:
Details and Documentation
Students seeking credits for a sport course or program are required to present specific documentation as proof of participation or completion. The required documentation from the provincial sport organization, Team BC program and/or national sport federation includes official certificates and verification or congratulations letters.
External sport programs are administered and monitored by the Ministry of Small Business and Economic Development, Sport Secretariat. The provincial sport organizations, the Team BC Program, SportMedBC, Coaches Association of BC, Coaches Association of Canada and national sport organizations issue letters or certificates. All letters and certificates will include the student’s name and sport program.
Students who have reached high levels of performance in a particular sport not listed should encourage their provincial sport organization to contact the Sport Secretariat to gain information on how to apply for program inclusion in the upcoming year. The responsibility to meet qualification criteria rests with the provincial sport organizations.
Once a student has received credit for Athlete and Official 10, 11 or 12 or Coach 11 or 12 they cannot receive additional credits for duplicate participation. For example, an athlete who has earned credits for Athlete 12 by being selected and competing on a provincial team cannot receive another 4 credits for Athlete 12 if they have progressed and been selected and competed on a national team. A student can only receive credit for Athlete 12 once.
Click Here to go to BC Government External Credits Web Page
Athlete - External Course Information
Course Code: UXSA 10 or UXSA 11 or UXSA 12 Program eligibilty is based on meeting specific criteria and standards:
Competition levels
Minimum Training Hours
Supporting documentation – training diary, yearly/seasonal training plan
Athletes must have participated in an organized regional or provincial selection process and be selected as an individual or team member to represent a region/zone or provincial team that will compete at a provincial, inter provincial regional, national or international level competition or be a recipient of the BC or Sport Canada Athlete Assistance Program.
Summary of Eligibility Standards and Program/Category Definitions
Athlete 10 - 4 credits
An athlete must have been selected to a regional/zone select team that competes at a provincial championship.
Athlete 11 - 4 credits
An athlete must have been selected to a provincial regional team competing at an inter-provincial regional championship or have been a member of Team BC having competed at the North American Indigenous Games. In addition, student athletes who receive funding through the BC Athlete Assistance Program are eligible for Athlete 11 credits.
Athlete 12 - 4 credits
An athlete must have been selected to a provincial team competing at a national championship or have been a member of Team BC competing at the Canada Summer or Winter Games. In addition, student athletes that are members of a junior or senior national team program that compete at international events or receive funding through Sport Canada’s Athlete Assistance Program are eligible for Athlete 12 credits.
The following programs have been pre-approved for credit in the sport of Baseball…
Athlete 10:
Athlete 11:
Athlete 12:
Official - External Course Information
Course Code - UXSO 10 or UXSO 11 or UXSO 12 The Sport Secretariat has evaluated each provincial sport organization’s official’s program submissions for inclusion as a Ministry-approved “External Credentials - Sport” credit.
Official’s programs are monitored on an annual basis.
To qualify, a student must have completed a theory component, passed required exams and completed practical experiences with an evaluation signed by a provincial sport organization’s designated official’s educator or evaluator.
Official 10 - 2 credits
A student official must complete a theory course, examination, evaluation and 25 hours of practical officiating.
Official 11- 4 credits
A student official must complete a theory course, examination, evaluation and 75 hours of practical officiating.
Official 12 - 4 credits
A student official must complete a theory course, examination, evaluation and 125 hours of practical officiating.
For the practical officiating experience, a student official must complete the minimum number of officiating hours as indicated. Officiating hours between each level (Official, 10, 11 and 12) are cumulative and can be acquired in more than one sport. For students who accumulate officiating hours in more than one sport, it is mandatory they complete the theory, examination and evaluation/assessment component independently for each sport if they wish to earn credit for the particular sport officials program. The student official must have a record (booklet, passport, etc.) that is signed by a provincial sport organization official to confirm the completion of the components and indicating the number of hours spent on the practical component.
The following programs have been pre-approved for credit in the sport of Baseball…
Official 10
Official 11
Official 12
Apply for Officials Sports Credits at bottom of page
Coach - External Course Information
There are two different credentials in the coach program specialty that are authorized for graduation credit – Coach 11 and 12.
Coach 11 (UXSC 11) – 2 credits
To receive credit for Coach 11, students must complete the following requirements:
1. One of the following National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) courses:
2. NCCP Making Ethical Decisions online evaluation complete (through the Locker)
3. Coaching experience (30 hours) monitored and reviewed by a certified coach (either an Introduction to Competition "certified" or NCCP Level 2 "certified" coach) in the sport a student is being evaluated in.
Richmond Oval Sport Leadership Program, which includes completion of:
Getting Credit
Student coaches seeking to earn credit under the Coach 11 category must provide proof of completion for all required program components to the Sport Branch, Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture.
Required documentation includes:
A verification letter will be sent directly to a student if they have fulfilled all the requirements.
Richmond Oval Sport Leadership Program Documentation
The Richmond Oval Sport Leadership Program Coordinator will submit the list of students who successfully complete the program to the Sport Branch who will issue a verification letter directly to each student. To get credit for the course, students must deliver the verification letter to their high school counsellor.
Making Ethical Decisions "Evaluated"
Student coaches can complete the ‘Evaluation’ portion of the Making Ethical Decisions module online with the Coaches Association of Canada (CAC). To complete this step, student coaches must have a National Certified Coaching Program (NCCP) number as well as a login username and password (these can be requested from the CAC). Completion documentation for this module will also appear on the student's CAC online transcript.
Practical Experience
Practical coaching experience must be in the same sport as the trained or certified accreditations.
Student coaches should keep a log of their coaching hours that includes:
Practical coaching experience needs to be monitored and reviewed by a certified coach (an Introduction to Competition "trained" or NCCP Level 2 "certified" coach) in the sport the student is being evaluated in. The evaluating coach must provide the student coach with a verification letter that includes:
Coach 12 (UXSC 12) – 4 credits
Student coaches seeking to earn credit under the Coach 12 category must have participated in a pre-approved provincial sport organization coach education program.
The following programs have been pre-approved for credit in the sport of Baseball…
Coach 11:
Coach 12:
Click Here for More Info on Recognized Coach Programs & Requirements