BC Girls Baseball Leagues


August 10th - Championship Saturday

Great final games with the Free Agent Hurricanes edging out Whalley Blue Sox in game one of the day earning Whalley a 3rd place finish.  Free Agents then went on to beat league leaders Burnaby Valkyries 9-7 in game two earning Burnaby an honorable second place finish and crowning Free Agent Hurricanes as the first ever BC Girl's League Champions...!!! Congratulations to everyone, including 9U teams & players in our fun filled Rally Cap division.

Baseball BC thanks everyone for such a successful inaugural season of girl’s baseball.  We can't wait to see the league grow & look forward to seeing everyone back along with more girls & teams next year.


Look to register your team or player here in Spring of 2025


June 22nd – Our first pitch has been thrown, opening ceremonies are complete and the 12U scores are in!

Game 1 – Whalley 1 vs Burnaby Valkyries 8

Game 2 – Burnaby Valkyries 0 vs Free Agents 9


A big thank you to all who came out to play, coach, cheer and help make our first day a big success! 


Weekly updates to scores will be added to the schedule below. 



12U Division (Mosquito diamond - Lionel Courchene Park, Surrey)
  Development Playoffs
Time Week 1 (June 22nd) Week 2 (June 29th) Week 3 (July 6th) Week 4 (July 13th) Week 5 (July 20th) Week 6 (July 27th) Week 7 (August 3rd) Week 8 (August 10th)
11am-1pm Whalley 1 vs Burnaby 8 Free Agents 6 vs Burnaby 5 Whalley 16 vs Free Agents 17 Free Agents vs Burnaby Free Agents vs Whalley Burnaby 19 vs Whalley 10 Whalley 4 vs Burnaby 8 3rd vs 2nd
1pm-2pm Opening Ceremonies Break Break Break Break Break Break Break
2pm-4pm Burnaby 0 vs Free Agents 9 Whalley 15 vs Free Agents 5

Burnaby vs Whalley


Burnaby vs Whalley Free Agents vs Burnaby Whalley 14 vs Free Agents 15 Burnaby vs Free Agents  Final (1st vs 2nd)
4pm-5pm             Break Closing Ceremonies
5pm-7pm             Free Agents vs Whalley  

9U Division (Tadpole diamond - Lionel Courchene Park, Surrey)
Note: Rally Cap games are 1 hour long. Teams may choose to arrive 30 mins - 1 hour early for warm-up/practice. Weekly game time is 12pm-1pm.

Rally Cap Starting Rotation Week 1 (June 22nd) Week 2 (June 29th) Week 3 (July 6th) Week 4 (July 13th) Week 5 (July 20th) Week 6 (July 27th) Week 7 (August 3rd) Week 8 (August 10th)
Starting at Bat Free Agents 1 D5 Lionesses Free Agents 2 Free Agents 1 FUN WEEK D5 Lionesses Free Agents 2 Free Agents 1
Starting in the Field Free Agents 2 Free Agents 1 D5 Lionesses Free Agents 2 FUN WEEK Free Agents 1 D5 Lionesses Free Agents 2
Starting at Practice Station D5 Lionesses Free Agents 2 Free Agents 1 D5 Lionesses FUN WEEK Free Agents 2 Free Agents 1 D5 Lionesses


PRESS RELEASE - March, 2024

Announcing first ever BC Girls Baseball League coming to Surrey Canadian Baseball Association this June, July, & August. For press release, click here  This league to replace Instructional Leagues in the Lower Mainland....  Read below for further details... And Click Here for Information Package


BC Girls Baseball LeagueClick Here for Information Package

Baseball BC is thrilled to announce the 2024 BC Girls Baseball League! Our goal is straightforward: to provide a safe and supportive space that encourages growth and love for the game of baseball among young female athletes. At the heart of this endeavor lies a vision to create a space where girls can not only embrace the sport of baseball but thrive within it. Baseball BC is committed to this vision - through this league, we hope to see more girls confidently stepping onto the diamond, developing their skills, and finding joy in the competition and camaraderie that baseball offers! Not to mention, team’s & players from all provincial associations are welcome to participate. Not on a team? That’s ok too, individuals can register too (see below for Free Agent registration).


CLICK HERE for Surrey Now Leader STORY (Posted April 16, 2024)

CLICK HERE for Canadian Baseball Network STORY (Posted April 6, 2024)


TEAM Registration

Info: Already have an all-girls team ready to play? Are there female athletes in your association interested in forming a team? Team registration is for you then! One thing to note: our age groups are 9U and 12U, which may be different from some leagues you play in. Please keep this in mind when you are forming your teams and be sure to register for the correct division.

Age Divisions: 9U (2017-2015 Birth Years) & 12U (2014-2012 Birth Years)

The 9U division will play “Rally Cap” rules, which are smaller sided games designed best for this age & their FUNdamental development. We suggest teams in the 9U division be made up of 9 to 12 players. The older 12U division will play more traditional baseball rules designed to increase baseball plays resulting in more FUN, and we recommend teams consist of no more than 12 to 16 female players. Schedules and more defined rules will be communicated once registrations are closed at the end of May…

Dates: Saturdays, June 22nd - August 10th, 2024 (8 weeks)

Where: Lionel Courchene Park, Surrey BC

Fee: $750 per team for 9U, $1,000 per team for 12U

For questions please reach out to the League Coordinator, Liz at liz@baseball.bc.ca or Director of Operations, Scott at scottm@baseball.bc.ca 

For Registration, Click Below

9U TEAM REGISTRATION (Players born 2017, 2016, & 2015)

12U TEAM REGISTRATION (Players born 2014, 2013, & 2012)  


FREE AGENT Registration

Info: Free Agent registration is reserved for those players who are not currently involved in all-girls programming or on a team but are interested in participating in the league. These players will be placed on a team for the duration of the season. If there are 12 Free Agents, there will be a full Free Agent team. If there aren't enough to form this team, Free Agents will be added to any teams looking for players.

Age Divisions: 9U (2017-2015 Birth Years) & 12U (2014-2012 Birth Years)

Dates: Saturdays, June 22nd - August 10th, 2024 (8 weeks)

Where: Lionel Courchene Park, Surrey BC

Fee: $100

For questions please reach out to the League Coordinator, Liz at liz@baseball.bc.ca or Director of Operations, Scott at scottm@baseball.bc.ca 

For FREE AGENT Registration, Click Here


Click Here for Information Package

CLICK HERE for Surrey Now Leader STORY (Posted April 16, 2024)

CLICK HERE for Canadian Baseball Network STORY (Posted April 6, 2024)


Still not sold? Hear the inspiration from some of our program alumni below:

“When I think back to my youth baseball experience, I have such fond memories of playing on all-girls teams. While I played on mixed gender teams during the regular season, I always looked forward to my time with the Baseball BC provincial team program. Being in a space where I felt more comfortable with my peers was exactly what I needed each summer! I played more confidently in key positions, felt like I was a part of a community, and made lifelong friends (many of whom I’m still close with today).” 

Stacy Fournier, 

Team Canada Athlete and SFU Softball Head Coach


“As a young girl it was important for me to be in a space of girls empowering girls. Playing with other females as a kid taught me the importance of celebrating ALL women’s successes, not just personal”

Allison Schroder, 

Team Canada Athlete, VIU Baseball Player, and Forest Firefighter


Still available in 2024 to selected locations throughout BC...

Baseball BC is thrilled to announce BC Girls Instructional Leagues, Development Series, and Festival FUN Days of baseball are back...!

BC Girls Baseball welcomes all girls to work with NCCP trained coaches to develop baseball skills that match the player’s abilities; this is true whether you’re new or experienced to the game.  Like-minded girls will make personal improvements alongside the finest female mentors; Team Canada & Team BC players & coaches will build confidence & self-esteem, promote inclusivity & affiliation, and provide a fun & safe environment for all participants. 

BC Girls Baseball Instructional leagues & Developmental series are designed to not interfere with local baseball associations; in fact, players are encouraged to still play for their local team.  BC Girls Baseball is simply just another option offered once a week for females of all genders.  Additionally, Baseball BC’s programming does not discriminate and encourages everyone to participate, so, whether you currently play baseball or not, whether you belong to this association or that, come on out to play girl's baseball. It’s exciting!  It’s safe!  It’s a whole field of FUN; and after all, diamonds are a girl’s best friend…!  

With a focus on skill development and personal improvement, players will work in small groups with trained coaches on a variety of baseball skills for the first half of the session, and the second half will include baseball games catered to fit the skills & needs of all players.

Click Links below for Registration & More info

Lower Mainland Instructional League - Surrey - Complete

Summer Camps - Girls - 2023 Coming in June

More 2023 Girls Grassroots Events HERE


Past Events

Girls Baseball FUN Festival - North Delta Baseball - Complete

Salmon Arm Festival - Fun Day of Baseball - Complete

Kelowna Festival - Fun Day of Baseball - Complete

Lower Mainland Instructional League - Vancouver Westside - Complete

Kamloops Festival - Fun Day of Baseball - Complete

Vancouver Island Development Series - Victoria - Complete



All athletes must sign off on the waiver linked below, and bring to the first day of the event in order to participate.

If you have questions or concerns with these releases, please contact David Laing. davidlaing@baseball.bc.ca or 604-586-3312

Waiver: Consent and Acknowledgement of Risk - under 18 (Mandatory at start of each event)

Declaration of compliance COVID 19 (useful but not required)




“Just wanted to say thanks again to you and all the coaches for making it so much fun for the girls.  Sarah had a great time and is looking forward to anything else that may come up.”


“Thanks so much.  It was amazing to be a part of this inaugural season.”


Coach Niki Boyd – Team Canada Player says “It was an awesome experience for the players and us coaches too.  Some of the girls were extremely shy in the beginning, but by the end of the day they became some of the leaders.  It was really cool to see them progress on the field as baseball players and off the field as young individuals.  The girls built friendships, learned a few baseball fundamentals and had a lot of fun along the way.”


“Last year I had the opportunity to coach and share my passion for baseball with girls from across the Lower Mainland. I enjoyed coaching and teaching these amazing little girls and watching them grow and improve throughout the course of the camp. Not only did they improve skill-wise, they had the opportunity to meet other girls who shared the same passion for baseball as they do. It was great to see so many eager and excited girls who enjoyed and loved the game as much as I do. I learned a lot from these girls and it was a great experience. I look forward to coaching them again this year.”

-Emma March


“I was honoured to help coach such a cheerful and happy group of girls last season with the instructional league. The girls always had smiles on their faces and were having fun, even though they were working super hard and learning lots! An opportunity like this is something that I wish was around when I was younger, as I would have loved to have engaged with fellow female baseball players and been introduced to some amazing role models along the way! I am very excited to be returning as a coach next season and am looking forward to meeting and developing the future of girls' baseball!”

-Liz Gilder


“I had an amazing experience this past summer as a coach with the B.C. Girls Instructional League. It was great to see girls with all different experience levels coming together to improve their skills and have fun. It was a summer filled with sweat, tears, laughs, bruises, water fights, and new friendships. I would have loved an opportunity to join a league like this when I was younger. It shows the girls that they have the option to play baseball, softball, or both! I can’t wait to build off this inaugural season and see what 2019 has in store for us.”

-Marina DeAngelis


Please contact Baseball BC Director of Girl's & Women's Baseball Scott Mackenzie (scottm@baseball.bc.ca / 604-586-3315) or a Regional Coordinator near you with any questions.  We look forward to hearing from you!

Stacy Fournier
Regional Coordinator - Fraser Valley - West                                                Head Coach - 16U Team BC Selects 

Emily Fournier
Regional Coordinator - Fraser Valley - East                                              Coach - 14U & 16U Team BC Selects 

Ashley Stewart
Regional Coordinator - Okanagan                        stewart.ashley88@gmail.com

Tammy Anderson
Regional Coordinator - Victoria                                            taanderson@telus.net

Kristy Watson
Regional Coordinator - Vancouver Coastal                                                 Head Coach - 14U Team BC Selects                                watsonk1515@gmail.com


https://media5.picsearch.com/is?xdmHUVzPnZrZ---6Hm1vJvxBs93QNoo4pelAzgBQBhM&height=240 @BCGirlsBaseball                   https://media1.picsearch.com/is?fbdxeJZ78uaWfaklHwqlTg-LF4NhhQAr6YJSaSRYEDo&height=264 bcgirlsbaseball                      https://media4.picsearch.com/is?wsj77HNWfefaluLDeBPBdO-0F3bqOWLPBv1z2gj-Yi8&height=341 @baseball.bc.ca


2018 Pictures - Click Here

Click Here to see Female Program Advisory Council

Click Here for MORE Girl's Programming


Attention Elite Athlete,

High Performance Information to be released when available...

Click Here for More Info

Baseball BC on Twitter


Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD)

What is LTAD?

Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) is a systemic approach developed and adopted by Baseball Canada to maximize a participant's potential and involvement in our sport. The LTAD framework aims to define optimal training, competition and recovery throughout an athlete's career. Enabling everyone to reach their full potential in the game of baseball and as an athlete. 


MLB British Columbians

James Paxton

Current MLB Team: Los Angeles Dodgers
Hometown: Richmond, BC



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